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In Depth

The late president – assassinated 60 years ago – had described the pharmacist as “an indispensable link in the chain of national health protection” It’s December 1963, the world is …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Embedded on-site aged care pharmacists in Australia Qualitative semistructured interviews explored the roles of early adopters of Australia’s embedded on-site pharmacist …

Have you ever wondered what are the biggest selling over-the-counter products around the country? There’s some surprises when you look at the top 10 best sellers  1. Sugar… The biggest …

What exactly are entertainment expenses? Victoria Le from Peak Strategies looks into the tax rules around employee entertainment Discover the Joys of the Festive Season Can you believe it? We’re …

Maternal health plays a pivotal role in the overall development of the infant, and our understanding of this role is evolving. The latest advances in science and knowledge are allowing …

But publication concerned too much publicity around adverse effects “has caused public alarm” It’s August 1962, the sedative thalidomide has finally been prohibited from sale – ten months after a …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Heart failure with comorbid dementia One-fifth of persons over age 65 with HF also have comorbid dementia. Co-occurring HF and dementia …

Pharmacy real estate market starting to feel the bite of 60 day dispensing, survey shows The latest iteration of the Attain Pharmacy Market Sentiment Survey has revealed the impact of …

Inquiry delivers “disappointing” result for independent pharmacist, writes the AJP. It’s November 1938 and the AJP’s editorial is bemoaning the results of a report just delivered to the NSW government …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Over-the-counter use of short-acting beta-2 agonists The availability of SABA as an over-the-counter (OTC) medication has contributed to overuse, leading to …

The current community pharmacy agreement negotiations promise to be a unique journey. And owners need to build some roads of their own rather than just rely on the CPA  According …

Pharmacy’s role in vaccination provision continues to expand, and is a rare example of agreement with the federal government. We look at how we’ve got here, and what are the …