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Health Check: should kids be given antibiotics in their first year? Penelope Bryant, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Two-thirds of children have already received antibiotics by the time they are one …

Debbie Rigby presents the latest in research news pertinent to pharmacy Australian clinical guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes 2016 The National Heart Foundation of Australia and Cardiac …

Research Check: does paracetamol in pregnancy cause child behavioural problems? Norman Saunders, University of Melbourne and Mark Habgood, University of Melbourne Paracetamol is widely used in all stages of pregnancy …

What is the right balance between supply and demand for pharmacists and how do we ensure an adequate number with the requisite skills and experience for the existing and emerging …

Here are 14 reasons why doctors may inappropriately prescribe antibiotics, writes Ben Basger Australians are amongst the highest users of antibiotics in the developed world, with approximately one antibiotic prescription …

Should health professionals consider the cholesterol-lowering benefits of a vegan diet? writes Oscar Klass Between July 2014 and June 2015, lipid modifying agents were the second most commonly dispensed class …

Health Check: does green mucus mean you’re infectious and need antibiotics? John Turnidge, University of Adelaide When you have a cold or other respiratory illness, you might see a range …

Crafting a compelling service vision statement … avoiding the fluff and bland motherhood statements A progressive, medium sized, neighbourhood shopping centre, branded pharmacy recently shunned its brand’s mission statement as …

One of the key health-related tasks of the re-elected Coalition government will be to ensure a solution to the supply of the expensive new Hepatitis C medicines. The scale of …

Pharmacists need to play a key role in helping people with ongoing pain to get assistance, write Dr Esther Lau, Prof Lisa Nissen and Tony Hall You know that awful …

Weekly Dose: triptans, drugs that relieve migraine but only if taken at the right time Michael Vagg, Barwon Health Triptans are a group of drugs targeted at alleviating symptoms of …

In December 2015 the Pharmacy Board of Australia (PBA) made a decision that was a game changer for Australian pharmacists, says Joe Demarte, PSA national president That decision was to revise …