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In Depth

The King Review discussion paper poses no fewer than 140 questions about virtually every aspect of Australia’s community pharmacy model, says George Tambassis. But it omitted one key question: should …

Weekly Dose: fentanyl, the anaesthetic that may have been used as a chemical weapon on Chechen rebels Nial Wheate, University of Sydney Fentanyl is a synthetic analgesic (pain relieving) drug …

Pharmacy is under a lot of pressure, writes Mouhamad Zoghbi—but does keeping worries to yourself help your team? I’d like tell you about something that happened at my home recently. …

Debbie Rigby presents the latest research news relevant to pharmacy Heart Failure Outcomes With Empagliflozin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes at High Cardiovascular Risk In patients with type 2 …

Health Check: what your pee and poo colour says about your health Clare Collins, University of Newcastle; Kristine Pezdirc, University of Newcastle, and Megan Rollo, University of Newcastle Out of …

Business class: Buying a pharmacy is no small feat! There are many factors to consider and hopefully the investment will provide financial and other rewards for many years, says Natalie …

Dr Ben Basger looks at how pharmacists can protect seniors from adverse events caused by medications Did you know that one in four community-living older people are hospitalised for medication-related …

Experts believe that if healthcare practitioners had a clearer understanding of men’s differing health needs, healthcare promotions and services could be more effective, writes Leanne Philpott You might say men …

Efficacy is estimated to be as high as 99% in men who have sex with men who take Truvada daily. Sharon Lewin, Consultant Physician, Department of Infectious Diseases, Alfred Hospital & …

The overwhelming sea of over-the-counter cold and flu treatments will have many customers turning to their pharmacist for advice, writes Leanne Philpott If we’re honest I think all of us …

Brenda Davy takes a look at the the evidence base for CMs Complementary medicines have existed for centuries and have provided the basis for many of the formulations of ‘conventional’ …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest research pertinent to community pharmacy Liraglutide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes In this double-blind trial, liraglutide, an analogue of human …