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Election wish list highlights what pharmacy can do, says Joe Demarte One of the few benefits of having a prolonged election campaign, from a peak organisation’s perspective, is that it …

If you’re not using MedsASSIST, you’re helping neither patients nor pharmacy, writes Samantha Kourtis Since MedsASSIST was rolled out and I decided to use it in my pharmacy, I’ve experienced …

Health Check: is man flu real? Sergio Diez Alvarez, University of Newcastle “Man flu” is a colloquial term based on the idea that men respond to symptoms of the common …

Debbie Rigby presents the latest in research news relevant to pharmacists Benzodiazepines are Prescribed More Frequently to Patients Already at Risk for Benzodiazepine-Related Adverse Events in Primary Care A one-year …

Heart disease remains the leading single cause of death in Australia and yet mortality is only part of the picture, writes Leanne Philpott Many men living with long-term cardiovascular disease …

There’s much more to continence than stocking a few pads, writes Karalyn Huxhagen Continence in pharmacy is often thought of as shelves of pads that take up far more space …

The link between chronic pain and depression: which comes first? Michael Vagg, Barwon Health It’s easy to imagine that people with persistent pain have cause to become depressed. After all, …

It’s important to remind everyone why pharmacy is important, says David Quilty, Guild national executive director The community pharmacy sector this year faces a formal review being undertaken by the …

Debbie Rigby, consultant clinical pharmacist, debunks some of the common held myths in pharmacy As trusted healthcare professionals within the community, pharmacists should ensure they are up-to-date on the latest …

How to pick the good from the bad smartphone health apps Carol Maher, University of South Australia With an estimated 100,000 health and fitness apps available on the two leading …

The latest in research news, curated by Debbie Rigby Benzodiazepines are Prescribed More Frequently to Patients Already at Risk for Benzodiazepine-Related Adverse Events in Primary Care A one-year longitudinal cohort …

Pharmacy has a vital role to play in the education and support of patients seeking to quit smoking, writes Isaac Bober Tobacco use is considered to be one of the …