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In Depth

Pharmacies have an edge in skin care that virtually no other retailer can boast: the presence of Pharmacy-Only and Pharmacist-Only products that draw customers into the community pharmacy sector. And …

A trip down memory lane from the archives of the AJP: Australia’s oldest continuously published magazine From our archives, in September 1971 Guild national president Sir Eric Scott announces he …

The latest research news relevant to pharmacy, put together by Debbie Rigby Pioglitazone use and risk of bladder cancer A population based cohort study of 145 806 patients newly treated with …

Where GP services are limited or lacking, why can’t pharmacists start getting ex-servicemen and women the help they need? wonders Karalyn Huxhagen It always astounds me, when speaking with patients …

We can’t trust drug companies to wine, dine and educate doctors about the drugs they prescribe Barbara Mintzes, University of Sydney If a drug company treats a doctor to a …

With 80% of pharmacy patients being female, there is no doubt that Australia’s 5450 plus community pharmacies play a critical role in women’s health. More often than not women are …

Every King has his Achilles heel, writes Mouhamad Zoghbi… economists and health professionals are degrees apart This king stood with a confidence that shook the pharmacy nation. He didn’t stutter …

Debbie Rigby presents her weekly round-up of the latest clinical research relevant to community pharmacy Multicenter Observational Study of Incretin-based Drugs and Heart Failure A large cohort study of nearly …

AJP is celebrating a special birthday Australia’s oldest journal of record – the Australian Journal of Pharmacy – is turning 130 this year. The first edition of the then Australasian …

Collaboration and communication with patients is key to helping legitimate pain patients, with real-time monitoring useful for catching misusers of codeine only. Most people who become dependent on over-the-counter codeine …

Ben Basger presents 10 points to consider on Parkinson’s Disease… Parkinson’s disease is much more than a movement disorder! Dopamine loss in the substantia nigra, which serves to modify motor …

Debbie Rigby presents the latest research relevant to pharmacists Hydrolysed formula and risk of allergic or autoimmune disease A systematic review and meta-analysis of 37 trials involving over 19,000 participants …