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In Depth

The benefit to patients of having medicines repackaged into dose administration aids are well documented, but what can be learned from community pharmacists who dispense them? Authors: Sherryl G Robertson, …

Using the wrong cream or applying it incorrectly could be like using ice-cream instead of sunscreen says Angelo Pricolo  Using the wrong cream or applying it incorrectly could be like …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Beta-blocker therapy in patients with COPD Beta-blockers are associated with reduced mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease but are …

Greater awareness of the risk factors for osteoporosis may help encourage early intervention and reduce fracture rates Despite continued focus and advocacy to raise awareness and reduce the impact of …

Successful administration requires the correct consumables, writes Bryanna Gillies in detailing a case history of a clinical incident A young child was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 11 …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Optimal pharmacotherapy pathway in adults with diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain The OPTION-DM randomised controlled trail concluded that three commonly used treatment …

Measuring the performance of your pharmacy seems easy, but are you looking at the right metrics to best gauge its success? Simon Stevin was well ahead of his time. In …

How can pharmacists help tackle the burden of co-existing allergic rhinitis and asthma, sometimes referred to as ‘united airways disease’? By Sheshtyn Paola, MPH, clinical writer, Australian Journal of Pharmacy and Jala …

Bryanna Gillies presents a case history report with important lessons about compounding A five-year-old boy presented to a tertiary paediatric emergency department on advice from the poisons centre, who received …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Pharmacist interventions in osteoporosis management A systematic review of 16 articles has shown that pharmacist inventions improve investigation, treatment, adherence and …

What does the recent Federal Budget mean for community pharmacy? Marcus Evitt of Peak Strategies outlines the key points Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers handed down, on October 25, Labor’s 2022-2023 …

Victoria’s Supercare Pharmacy plan looked to be a winning new model for the sector and for primary healthcare, but has it lived up to expectations? When it was implemented, Victoria’s …