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In Depth

Low humidity, indoor heating, and hot showers can contribute to dry skin and exacerbate pre-existing skin conditions. Pharmacists can be at the ready to assist customers in preventing and managing …

Concerns about the appearance of prematurely ageing skin are top of mind for many people. While there is not a lot we can do to fight the intrinsic skin ageing …

Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the counter? David Tong provides tips on transitioning from pharmacy to the pharmaceutical industry As pharmacists, we have long been pillars of the …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations Increase the Risk of Subsequent Cardiovascular Events Results from the COPDGene study show increased risk of …

Thinking differently can be the key to growing and enhancing your business, and the 8CPA has given pharmacy owners the chance to do that The Kármán line is a common …

Emily Griffin wears many hats running her own credentialed pharmacist business, while working as a clinical pharmacist at Melbourne’s St Vincent’s Hospital and as the Rural Pharmacy Liaison Officer for …

It’s 1924 and while some in the pharmacy sector may be looking jealously at other industries, the Australasian Journal of Pharmacy notes other businesses have it tougher  The editorial in …

Skin is fabulous because it produces its own sun protection, but hyperpigmentation can be distressing, leading to patients seeking answers Skin is fabulous because it helps to protect itself from …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Association of Cardiovascular Outcomes with Low-Dose Glucocorticoid Use in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Many guidelines recommend limiting glucocorticoids in patients with …

Contrary to popular belief, men do care about their health. Leanne Philpott talks to Men’s Health Downunder pharmacists Neil Cullen and Brad Butt to explore a few common male health …

Skin moisture levels are exquisitely controlled by several factors. Unfortunately, disease and ageing can upset this equilibrium and lead to dryness. Luckily, pharmacists have the tools to boost skin moisture …

It’s June 1974 and legislation has just passed the Victorian Parliament allowing ‘registered’ contraceptives to be advertised and displayed in pharmacies  Under the Bill, the Victorian government contraceptives to be …