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In Depth

The use of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation is an emerging issue… Carlene McMaugh takes a look at how pharmacists can navigate it The use of e-cigarettes as a therapeutic option …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Short-acting β2-agonist prescriptions associated with poor clinical outcomes of asthma Use of three or more SABA canisters over 12 months was …

Buyer and seller confidence remains high in the community pharmacy sales market, survey reveals  Confidence in the market “remains quite strong” according to the latest iteration of the Attain Pharmacy …

Expanding the scope of pharmacy practice is a hot topic, but how does the profession achieve this? And what does it entail? Here’s what the experts say Delegates to the …

Angelo Pricolo gets the lowdown on a Guild leader who makes cheese in their spare time, listens to Billy Bragg and INXS, wants to have a drink with the Queen …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Dual bronchodilation for the treatment of COPD Dual bronchodilation with long-acting muscarinic receptor antagonists (LAMAs) and long-acting β-agonists (LABAs) fixed dose …

What does business data tell us about a pharmacy’s ‘survivor bias’, and how can it be used to change a pharmacy from one that is simply surviving to one that …

There’s growing awareness of the scale of sleeping issues and the links with a range of health issues. So how can pharmacists position themselves as a source of advice and …

Risking being seen as the “weirdo at the kebab shop,” Angelo Pricolo takes matters into his own hands when it comes to using a crutch correctly Unfortunately, I can’t turn …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Effect of an ongoing pharmacist service to reduce medicine-induced deterioration and adverse reactions in aged-care facilities Pharmacist-led interventions in …

How does diet impact mental health, and what role can pharmacists play? Sheshtyn Paola investigates “You are what you eat,” the adage goes. As a society we’ve become increasingly aware …

Antibiotics used in the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections associated with COPD and CF: Discrepancies in guidelines Letter to the editor, by Nazrul Islam*,1,2 and Debbie Rigby3,4 Australian Medicines …