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In Depth

What does the National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Bill 2019 mean for pharmacists? Stephanie McGrath investigates Following on from my article in the AJP on 31 May 2019 the National …

AJP caught up with the NAPSA president and recent graduate at the student congress in Newcastle this month Erin Cooper has been president of the National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association …

Ian M. Mackay, The University of Queensland and Katherine Arden, The University of Queensland look at the emerging problem The World Health Organisation has postponed its decision about whether to …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research PRN Medicines Management for Psychotropic Medicines in Long-Term Care Settings This review oers a description of PRN prescription and administration …

Pharmacy needs to retain its edge over supermarkets when it comes to NRT, writes Karalyn Huxhagen Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is growing in popularity due to a few reasons: High …

The reality of medication reviews is a program full of band-aids and add-ons, argues Karalyn Huxhagen When Home Medicine Reviews (HMRs) were launched, we were promised interactive programs with GPs …

What do amendments to Victoria’s Retail Leases Act mean for pharmacy? Stephanie McGrath takes a look The recent Retail Leases Amendment Bill in Victoria introduced changes to leases for retail …

For many pharmacies already affected by Australia’s terrible bushfires, there may also be ongoing economic and business impacts, says Frank Sirianni A recent article suggests the “Economic impact of Australia’s …

The recent devastating bushfires have meant pharmacists have needed to dispense emergency supplies of medications without prescriptions. PDL advises on how this can be done without putting your patients, or …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Sodium–Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors and the Risk for Severe Urinary Tract Infections A large population-based cohort study using US-based databases has shown …

Do you know what your pharmacy is worth? Frank Sirianni explains why it’s important when contemplating a sale Continuing our practice4sale series, Frank Sirianni provides a second tip on how …

Pharmacists advising people to quit increases abstinence rates, explains Amy Page Cigarette smoking is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality.  The prevalence of people who smoke has reduced over …