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The deadline is approaching for the new Single Touch Payroll system and small businesses must be prepared, says Alex King Small businesses – those with fewer than 20 employees – …

Just how much benefit is there in giving statins for secondary prevention for those 80 and over? wonders Ben Basger Do you have patients taking statins who have aged into …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Antidepressants in the elderly Response to antidepressants in the elderly varies widely from 45% to 80%, compared with 35% …

So-called minor ailments can have a significant impact on patients’ lives, writes Carlene McMaugh Common ailments are those conditions that a person would reasonably be expected to self-treat on their …

AJP exclusive: We chat with Ben Trobbiani, SA pharmacist and current contestant on MasterChef Adelaide pharmacist Ben Trobbiani, 24, has traded in his pharmacist coat for a chef’s apron to …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Thunderstorm-triggered asthma: what we know so far Thunderstorm-triggered asthma (TA) is the occurrence of acute asthma attacks immediately following a thunderstorm. …

Has the federal election had any impact on the pharmacy real estate market? Natalie Sirianni looks at the current situation  As we near the completion of the 2019 financial year, …

Carlene McMaugh takes a look at the latest medicines used to help manage diabetes Medicines used to assist in the treatment of diabetes have expanded considerably in recent years as …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Is it time to move away from short-acting beta-agonists in asthma management? Evidence suggests that short-acting beta-agonist (SABAs) inhalers continue to …

Motherhood is a minefield of conflicting advice. As such, pharmacists play a key support role, particularly when it comes to infant feeding The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends mothers worldwide …

What are the consequences of bankruptcy? Stephanie McGrath looks at the effects on pharmacy owners On 18 February 2019 AJP reported that the National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Bill 2019 …

Incontinence is a widespread condition with a range of different causes and treatments, writes Louis Roller  Incontinence is a term that describes any accidental or involuntary loss of urine from …