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Methotrexate misadventure

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The TGA has released a safety warning on inadvertent overdose of oral methotrexate in the wake of inquest into man’s death from methotrexate toxicity Two weeks ago, Coroner Rosemary Carlin found that 77-year-old Melbourne man Ian Gilbert’s death due to methotrexate toxicity was “needless and entirely preventable” following a lengthy…
A pharmacist believed the dose of methotrexate prescribed to a man who later died was inappropriate – but her concerns were ignored Fairfax media outlets have reported on the inquest into the death of 77-year-old Ian Gilbert, who was prescribed methotrexate in 2015 to treat a flareup of psoriasis on…
Pharmacy Board publishes new warnings on the danger of incorrect methotrexate prescribing and dispensing following recent reports The Pharmacy and Medical Boards have published a joint reminder on the dangers of incorrect methotrexate dosing. "Prescribing, dispensing and administration errors continue to lead to daily instead of weekly dosing of oral…
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