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Pharmacy news from around the world, including more reports of Clonidine overdoses in children Jakarta, Indonesia:  Police have named 14 hospitals and eight midwife clinics which allegedly administered fake vaccines …

With criminals targeting pharmacies across Australia, we look at the best ways to prepare your staff and ensure their safety Police are currently investigating a string of armed robberies of …

Australian research shows up to 90% of patients incorrectly use their inhalers for asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) The National Asthma Council Australia is urging pharmacists and other …

Statins to experience further price disclosure hit A number of the most commonly used medicines are going to experience additional price drops in the newly released October price disclosure cycle. …

Latest data reveals the state of the pharmacy profession The current size and shape of the profession have been revealed in the latest round of statistical data from the Pharmacy …

Check out our Australian College of Pharmacy audio CPD education modules Our latest audio CPD module on ‘Medicines in Dental Care’ is now available on the education section of the …

Congratulations have followed the reappointment of Sussan Ley as Health Minister, although some are taking the opportunity to highlight the work that needs to be done “It is an honour …

Many of you are stockpiling or resorting to overseas access to get required medications for patients AJP has received a great deal of feedback regarding our story on medicines shortages. …

Updated recommendations from the National Heart Foundation of Australia will allow pharmacists a wider scope to help manage the biggest risk factor for stroke Some recommendations of the new 2016 …

Malcolm Turnbull has reappointed an old face to his new ministry despite a difficult campaign against Labor Sussan Ley has retained the federal health portfolio, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has …

What are the 10 most common preventable behaviours and traits associated with stroke risk? Stroke-related deaths and disabilities worldwide would be dramatically cut if we targeted ten preventable behaviours and …

A short list of tips for Pokémon Go players who want to avoid stepping on people’s toes – both figuratively and literally My husband and I were walking through Priceline …