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The new Administration Handling and Infrastructure (AHI) Fee, set to replace the pharmacy mark-up component of remuneration, is a coup for the Pharmacy Guild, says industry analyst Bruce Annabel. Annabel …

The AMA is proposing to make non-dispensing pharmacists a key part of the future general practice health care team, in a bid to help GPs even better care for their …

The CSO wholesalers have welcomed the certainty provided to the pharmacy industry as a result of the finalisation of the 6th Community Pharmacy Agreement – but say there was a …

Australians will enjoy cheaper medicines, a more competitive pharmacy sector and greater investment in new medicines and patient support services, says Health Minister Sussan Ley following the announcement of the …

Chemplus, which supports the South Australian pharmacy network of the same name, is set to merge with Terry White Management in a strategic move to “future-proof” its member pharmacies. Chemplus …

Complementary Medicines Australia says it applauds Blackmores, for supporting independent complementary medicine research via the donation of $1.3 million to the University of Sydney to fund the Maurice Blackmore Chair …

The Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement between the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and the Commonwealth has now been signed, and is expected to commence on 1 July. It will run until …

Low pay, poor career progression and high workloads are the top three issues reported to Professional Pharmacists Australia, said its national director Matt Harris, who says he remains concerned about …

The new Strategic Agreement signed by the Generic Medicines Industry Association and Australian Government recognises the essential role of generic medicines and biosimilars in delivering affordable healthcare through the PBS, …

Once implemented, the 6CPA will provide a more certainty for community pharmacies to continue investing, employing and high quality health care for the next five years, says David Quilty. The …

Medicines Australia has agreed to sign a ‘Letter of Intent’ with the Australian Government for a five-year strategic agreement. If finalised, the agreement will provide Australian patients and the medicines …

The new Administration Handling and Infrastructure Fee announced in the Sixth Pharmacy Agreement will be a boon to pharmacy, says Terry White – but he says the optional $1 copayment …