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One employee pharmacist has warned of a future where only those with means will be able to access certain services Sarah Twohill addressed the Community and Pharmacy Support (CAPS) rally …

New research looks into how non-dispensing pharmacists can help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients with chronic diseases A pilot study conducted by Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council, James …

One pharmacy owner shares how 60-day dispensing is affecting the mental health of members of the profession – with pharmacists bearing the brunt of patient confusion At the Community and …

Pharmacy advocacy group pledges to continue fight against 60-day dispensing until satisfactory 8CPA is signed  Members of the Community and Pharmacy Support Group (CAPS) are calling on Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, …

AMA quits Victorian clinical advisory group ahead of pharmacy prescribing trial   “Serious and escalating concerns” over Victoria’s planned pharmacist prescribing pilot are behind the Australian Medical Association’s (AMA’s) decision …

Pharmacists should take opportunities to “discuss the difficulties confronting the craft” with parliamentarians… it’s 1931 and readers of the AJP are being advised to nurture relationships with their local MPs  …

Pharmacy staff are being urged to wear T-shirts adorned with anti-60-day dispensing slogans on Fridays to highlight the challenges facing the sector  Leaders of the Community and Pharmacy Support Group …

Use of mirtazapine in aged care facilities has been steadily growing – but is it always appropriate? This is part one of a focus on the use of antipsychotics and …

Overdose deaths in Australia are “driven by the pharmaceuticals” – and pharmacists can play a key role in helping reduce some of these deaths Around half of deaths from overdose …

An updated Australian pharmacy practice standard for mental health has been released by the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia The updated standard includes new key features including a list …

Pharmacists key to supporting asthma patient to move away from relievers and toward preventers, PSA leader says  Updated treatment guidelines for pharmacists supplying salbutamol and terbutaline inhalers to patients with …

Stakeholders invited to participate in the second round of public consultations for the accreditation standards for pharmacist prescriber education programs The Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) has commenced its second phase …