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Cutting payroll tax for general practitioners will not boost access to medical appointments, Guild leader says  Any changes to payroll tax requirements granted to GPs should be extended to all …

“I’ll stay fighting with you,” Opposition health spokesperson Senator Anne Ruston tells pharmacists gathered to protest 60-day dispensing in Canberra Ruston addressed a gathering of more than 2,000 pharmacists from …

General practitioners in northern Queensland are happily supporting efforts to expand pharmacists’ scope of practice  Despite criticism from medical organisations GPs are happy to see pharmacists play a greater role …

Australian, New Zealand hospital pharmacists hope MoU will strengthen their knowledge pool Professional collaboration and the advancement of practice in Australian and New Zealand pharmacy is a step closer today, …

Guild investigates legal options over 60-day dispensing changes ahead of talks for the Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA)  Pharmacy owners are set to receive advice about the possibility of taking …

Minimum number of repeats needed to deliver on 60-day dispensing promises  Patients who are deemed to be suitably stable on their medication to receive a 60-day prescription should be given …

A week’s a long time in the pharmacy sector right now, as double dispensing begins (not without uncertainty), as do 8CPA talks On Friday, the Pharmacy Guild told us that …

A pharmacy kept expired or returned S8s in a box on the dispensary floor, and left S4s in a vaccination room where patients could have accessed them The Victorian Pharmacy …

The TGA has executed multiple warrants on storage units and residences in Brisbane and seized over 40,000 vaping products The products have an estimated street value of over $1.2 million, …

Mark Butler still calling pharmacist objection to double dispensing a “scare campaign,” even as 8CPA talks begin Federal health minister Mark Butler has declared 1 September, 2023 a “great day …

NSW is set to implement a state-wide scope of practice trial mirroring the North Queensland Pharmacy Scope of Practice Pilot  Expanding community pharmacists’ scope of practice will deliver benefits to …

The Pharmacy Guild and the Albanese Government have agreed to immediately enter negotiations to secure an 8CPA, with the Guild suspending its campaign against 60-day dispensing And talks began on …