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Revamped guidelines for the new national methadone Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) system remain flawed, but will better support patients, a pharmacist believes  Pharmacists will be able to provide patients undergoing …

We reveal the 10 most read columns from our business experts so far this year While 60 day dispensing again features prominently in one of our half yearly top story …

Tobacco giant offering cut-price deals to pharmacies to stock vaping products   Pharmacists are being urged to be sceptical of approaches from tobacco companies looking to secure supply arrangements for prescription …

SHPA welcomes support for post-discharge medicine supply and the successful trial of a new liquid opioid management system A major New South Wales government announcement meets long-standing requests for post-discharge …

Methadone, buprenorphine, drug testing, naloxone and more: we discuss the latest views and opinions with a panel of experts Why is the naloxone program not seeing wider take-up? Should pharmacists …

Claims government is ‘front loading’ 60-day dispensing, as Ministers prepare to front a pharmacy conference, while complaints grow over the new methadone scheme  Debate continued to rage during the week …

A mix of topics feature in our top 10 podcasts for the first half of 2023 These were the ten most opened podcasts for the first six months of 2023 …

Guild calls on Prime Minister to stop the cycle of spin and re-engaged with the community pharmacy sector  In the absence of consultation with pharmacists over 60-day dispensing, Mark Butler …

Patients in the Victorian town of Beechworth are mourning the death of local pharmacy owner, Ruth Parker  Australian Patients’ Association Most Outstanding Community Pharmacist Award 2022 winner, Parker (47), died …

Australian women are increasingly seeing the benefits in having direct access to oral contraceptives through community pharmacy, researchers say  A detailed series of interviews with 20 women aged between 18 …

Daily Telegraph op-ed by Guild boss says cheaper medicines can be achieved without “forcing pharmacies to shut” Pharmacy Guild national president Professor Trent Twomey has used a Daily Telegraph opinion …

Government “hardballs” on double dispensing, says financial analyst The Federal Government has taken an “aggressive” stance with its double dispensing policy with 60% of total financial impact happening from September, …