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Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Advancing menopause care in Australia: barriers and opportunities Lack of clinician knowledge, poor access to services, negative attitudes, and lagging research …

Which of our stories have attracted the most reader feedback so far this year? Stories relating to 60-day dispensing and the search for affordable medicines have dominated the list of …

Pharmacy Guild of Australia WA branch president, Andrew Ngeow, will take the organisation’s seat on the board of the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA)  Ngeow’s appointment came after …

Employee pharmacists working for the National Pharmacies group are leading the way for others in the community pharmacy sector in securing improved pay and conditions, union leaders believe  Union group, …

How many pharmacies may close due to 60-day dispensing? There seems to be confusion over the number outlined in a recent report Economist Henry Ergas, who authored a recent report …

Student body announces its executive team for the next 12 months The National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association (NAPSA) has announced its new President and executive team for 2023/24. The new …

Government announces a new demographic cohort will have PBS access to an anti-COVID medication The Federal government has announced that, from 1 July, the eligibility criteria for PBS access to …

Was it about double dispensing? We take a look at the twenty most read stories during the first half of 2023 While stories about double dispensing have, unsurprisingly, dominated the …

Finding the balance between healthcare and business management remains a problem for pharmacy “Not all community pharmacists will be managers or want to be, creating a barrier to educating pharmacists …

The 60-day dispensing saga continued to roll on during the week, while concerns continued to grow over the changes to the opioid treatment program  60-day dispensing remained the biggest topic …

It’s June 1938 and the Guild shows politicians the error of their ways while the AJP looks at how to compete with chain stores The passage of the National Health …

Call for more widespread adoption of medication charting in cancer units following study findings Use of Partnered Pharmacist Medication Charting (PPMC) in oncology units is associated with significantly lower rates …