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It’s that time of year again… have you completed your Continuing Professional Development? September 30 is drawing near, and that means that pharmacists who are seeking to renew their registration …

“Something for nothing” attitude bringing down English pharmacies; pharmacy deserts growing in Chicago’s Black, Latino neighbourhoods; men arrested in Indian pharmacist murder England, UK: Pharmacies are partially blaming the “Amazonification” …

Flinders University researchers are warning that delivery of high quality, safe abortion services still face the barrier of prescribers and dispensers actually participating Researchers have published a paper in the …

Pharmacists and patients are reporting delays in treatment initiation for COVID oral antivirals, but doctor groups argue against downscheduling the drugs Despite calls from the Pharmacy Guild and the PSA …

A sharp-eyed pharmacist identified a falsified script presented to her by a doctor, and his brief pattern of self-prescribing was revealed The Medical Board of Australia has issued a statement …

“It’s been a great journey”: CEO and managing director steps down after 17-year contribution, as new leader takes helm of API Wesfarmers’ Managing Director of Health Emily Amos will take …

Doctors welcome the pause of a controversial e-cigarette scheme, as WA’s chief pharmacist issues a warning on children vaping nicotine The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners has welcomed the …

Its seven statutory committees will soon have 46 vacancies The Therapeutic Goods Administration is looking for applicants to join its seven advisory committees which consider the regulation of medicines, vaccines, …

A pharmacist who refused to fill a woman’s script for emergency contraception did not discriminate against a woman on the basis of sex, a US jury has found Andrea Anderson …

A pregnant patient in the UK has complained after two different pharmacies refused to supply aspirin, as Australian doctors urge pharmacists to consider the evidence A pregnant woman has written …

Pharmacy groups call for pharmacist initiation of COVID-19 oral antiviral medicines as demand skyrockets, but GP group says doctors should remain mainstay The Pharmacy Guild and the PSA are calling …

A Tribunal has examined whether a former intern’s impairment constituted “a fundamental deficiency of character and integrity so serious to warrant his removal from the profession” A former pharmacy intern …