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Flagship Maxigesic products and Australian OTC business contribute the most to latest half yearly results Maxigesic manufacturer AFT Pharmaceuticals has reported higher bottom-line profit and revenue after continued robust demand …

Paracetamol products without child-resistant packaging may have been directly supplied to consumers, the TGA warns The Therapeutic Goods Administration has issued a statement saying it has become aware that some …

Health minister keen to embrace skincare role for pharmacists to ease pressure on health system  Extending pharmacists’ scope of practice to include the treatment of certain skin conditions will improve access …

Pharmacists to treat four skin conditions under expanded scope trial  Community pharmacists in NSW will be able to prescribe treatments for certain skin conditions from March 2024, under the next …

60-day dispensing, the 8CPA, antimicrobial awareness and regulatory issues all made the news this week It was World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week, and FIP issued new policy, saying pharmacists should …

Queensland’s health ombudsman has taken immediate action against a pharmacist, including banning her from having her own personal medicines dispensed in a workplace Conditions have been imposed on the pharmacist’s …

ANZCAP independent program opens in Australia The second major program of the Australian and New Zealand College of Advanced Pharmacy (ANZCAP) has launched, with learning experiences now live as the …

His poster at the recent SHPA conference won the people’s choice award, but Travis Phelan wants the credit to go to his partner in paws-itivity: Bernie the chocolate Labrador Phelan, …

PBS fraud allegations see pharmacy owner barred from going within 200m of his store  A Sydney-based pharmacy owner with a passion for supercars is no longer allowed to enter his …

After a pharmacist appealed a decision to cancel his registration for three years, patients and colleagues were left thinking he had been “rubbed out,” a tribunal has heard Western Australia’s …

A presentation on the pregnancy categories saw an unexpected appearance by the head of the TGA – and showed how appetite for change is growing Hao Vo-Tran, publications and medicines …

Impacts of 60-day dispensing are driving staff morale to new lows, the Community and Pharmacy Support Group (CAPS) reports  Uncertainty around future revenue figures stemming from the government’s double dispensing …