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Incident reporting 101
Pharmacists are at the forefront of patient care, ensuring the safe and effective use of medications. Despite pharmacists' best efforts, incidents can result in complaints, even if there is minimal impact on the patient and immediate resolution has occurred. This Practice Alert explores the importance of incident reporting, and how…
The big questions for pharmacists
Can I deny supply? There has been an incident – what do I do next? Here are some common questions from fellow pharmacists PDL employs four pharmacist Professional Officers who are available 24/7 for PDL members. From the thousands of calls and emails received every year by the Professional Officers,…
‘There’s a bit of a spectrum’
Nobody is immune to making errors – but everybody reacts to them differently. We spoke to one expert on the range of responses to incidents, including second victim syndrome While every person is different, so is every incident or near miss – and Gary West, professional officer at PDL stresses…