Work & the workplace
‘I can feel the walls closing in on me as this snowballs’
“The HMR program is treated and funded as if it was a hobby and not a full time career pathway,” says one pharmacist, and another highlights the importance of speaking …
Ahead of the pack
Panadol manufacturer aiming for a “smooth transition” as new pack sizes to roll out in pharmacies in coming weeks, with larger packs to soon go behind the counter With legislative …
‘This was potential disaster that was averted’
Pharmacists and GPs can collaborate for good patient outcomes but should avoid talking in a “derogatory manner” about each other, urges leading pharmacist An experienced pharmacist and a GP have …
Workforce shortages easing – in some areas
Demand for pharmacists continues to outstrip supply in most jurisdictions, the latest Occupation Shortage List shows Pharmacists remain on the Jobs and Skills Australia Occupation Shortage List (OSL), despite record …
‘I won’t work for a pharmacy that sells vapes’
Pharmacists “cannot be compelled to stock or supply therapeutic vapes” after regulations changed this month, according to the TGA—and many are choosing not to As of 1 October, vapes with …
Data shows benefits of PBS co-pay cuts: Twomey
Guild continues push for further reductions to the PBS general co-payment Representatives from the Pharmacy Guild of Australia are lobbying both sides of parliament to lower the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme …
‘We aren’t stocking them’
Pharmacists reject S3 vapes ‘en masse’ as new reforms roll out, but government maintains pharmacists are on board Pharmacists are “prepared to help Australians quit vaping”, Health Minister Mark Butler …
State plans real-time monitoring reforms
Regulator to get “improved powers” to ensure pharmacists and prescribers use real-time monitoring systems appropriately Legislation being proposed by the Victorian government will give the state’s health regulator increased powers …
Striking pharmacists need award that reflects reality: Simpson
As WA hospital pharmacists enter their second week of industrial action, AdPha warns that future care delivery is under threat Earlier this month (11 September 2024) Health Services Union WA …
Why the workforce shortfall will likely continue
Several changes need to be made in order to help prevent the shortfall in hospital pharmacists becoming worse, warns AdPha In its Pharmacy Forecast Australia 2024, Advanced Pharmacy Australia (AdPha, …
‘We just don’t have room for you anywhere else’
Discrimination against pharmacists based on maternity status could exacerbate the profession’s workforce issues, union warns Women in the Australian pharmacy sector are reporting incidents of workplace discrimination based on their …