The prevalence of heart failure is increasing in Australia, according to experts from Melbourne’s Alfred Health Dr Ingrid Hopper and Kellie Easton write in Australian Prescriber that the condition now …

How aware are pharmacists of the risk of medication-related poisoning? Study identifies the 12 most common substances  Pharmacists are not often aware of the risks, severity and frequency of poisonings …

The King Review’s interim report is riddled with serious errors and can’t be taken seriously, according to an assessment requested by the Guild The Pharmacy Guild engaged Green Square Associates’ …

The King Review has failed to acknowledge the role of hospital pharmacists, says the SHPA The interim report of the Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation’s failure to acknowledge or …

One in two Australians who have chronic disease are not taking their medication as directed by their doctor, according to an Australian physician In Australian Prescriber, Professor Tim Usherwood from …

In a country where art has been closely linked to landscape for hundreds of years, and where ancient Roman ruins stand contrasted against an eclectic mix of Renaissance, Baroque and …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest research news Is pyridoxine effective and safe for post-partum lactation inhibition? A systematic review of 7 randomised controlled trials has shown inconsistent …

The King Review has been “hijacked” by ideology and economic theorising, the Pharmacy Guild says In its formal response to the Interim Report on the Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and …

Can you say it in 140 characters or less? We pick the highlights of #PSA17SYD “Please do not confuse your Google search with my pharmacy degree” – funny pharmacy stories …

Report card reveals how Australia’s pharmacists are falling behind in the medical services they are funded to provide The PSA has released a report card on the level of services …

White paper highlights the concerns of early career pharmacists and aims to boost retention and remuneration A landmark Early Career Pharmacist White Paper has been officially launched by the PSA, …

Ice causes death in many ways, overdose is just one of them Most people are unaware of the severe impact ice has on the heart. from Shane Darke, UNSW …