The RACGP has slammed pharmacy professional services and complained that doctors saw no cash back from the risk share solution The group is urging the King Review panel to break …

The Queensland branch of the Pharmacy Guild is urging members to implement private consulting rooms As the landscape of community pharmacy continues to change, pharmacies are becoming increasingly compelled to …

PSA has launched a new forum to offer rural pharmacists increased engagement At the Rural Pharmacist Special Interest Group (Rural SIG) forum at PSA17 in Sydney, PSA launched a Facebook …

Pharmacy assistant, Clare Stone from Alive Pharmacy Calliope is Queensland’s pharmacy assistant of the year Ms Stone was chosen to represent Queensland at the National Finals of the 2017 Pharmacy …

Organising choppers and using barges to get medicines to patients is part and parcel of this pharmacy’s daily operations By Peter Waterman Running a pharmacy where you clock up a …

Methamphetamine combined with prescription drugs poses potentially fatal risks including cardiac arrhythmia Methamphetamine-related deaths continue to rise across the country. The number of deaths in Australia doubled between 2009 and …

What is your strategy? How does your performance compare to strategy? asks Glenn Guilfoyle Bruce Annabel has recently written some insightful pieces around the commercial and strategy comparisons between the so-called …

For those who missed it, management of injection delivery for insulin and other diabetic medications was covered at PSA17 With diabetes one of the biggest challenges facing the Australian healthcare …

AJP chats with the Victorian student, who received her award at the PSA17 Gala Dinner on Saturday night Ms Bailey from Monash University was named PSA’s 2017 Pharmacy Student of …

Two intern pharmacists were named PSA MIMS Intern Pharmacist of the Year at PSA17 on Saturday The two winners are Carolyn Glazier from WA, and Seema Khiani from ACT/NSW. Presented …

For the most part, it’s been a positive week in Australian pharmacy The Pharmaceutical Society’s conference, PSA17, has seen a number of positive announcements made: Health Minister Greg Hunt declared …

HMR caps are inappropriate, wages are “appallingly low” and Australia is no longer a leader in professional services, says the new PSA president PSA’s newly elected national president, Dr Shane …