Business support for the Turnbull Government is now negative, and at the lowest level since Malcolm Turnbull took over as Prime Minister The Sensis Business Index, which surveys small and …

Even people with a genetic risk for obesity can stay slimmer if they get enough exercise, new research shows The research also identified 11 new “obesity genes”. Physical activity can …

Pharmacists need to consider the multiple factors in falls risk, writes Jarrod McMaugh As the most accessible health professionals, pharmacists encounter a lot of people who are at risk of …

Encouraging self-care among your patients will allow them maintain health with or without the support of healthcare providers, says FIP In the face of increased economic pressures compounded by a …

Can turmeric really shrink tumours, reduce pain and kill bacteria? Gunveen Kaur, Lecturer In Nutritional Sciences, Deakin University Turmeric is a yellow coloured spice widely used in Indian and South East Asian …

Do you plan to remain an employee your entire career, or do you hope to branch out into pharmacy ownership? Challenges facing employee pharmacists are a hot topic at the moment, with …

ASMI has commended the TGA for opening up discussion about downscheduling medicines It also says downscheduling and/or permitting S3 advertising to consumers would help raise awareness of the role of …

Changing medicines packaging to have prominent placement of active substances and strengths could help reduce prep time without increasing errors A study published in the BMJ by Norwegian researchers has …

National Heart Week is a good opportunity to conduct blood pressure checks and talk to patients about hypertension The event runs from 30 April to 6 May, and this year’s …

Guild Learning and Development is partnering with Ego Pharmaceuticals in the development of an online course, “Quality use of topical corticosteroids in atopic dermatitis” Atopic dermatitis affects up to 20% …

An article calling for supermarket ownership of pharmacies, dumping of CPAs and minimum $100K salary for experienced pharmacists has drawn the ire of industry reps Published online, the piece has …

UK pharmacists struggle with understaffing; pharmacy security guard arrested for sexual abuse; NZ remains “open” to the concept of funding tampons UK: The union for UK pharmacists says it has …