While the Health Minister decided to get his flu jab at the GP this year, AMA Vice-President Dr Tony Bartone says flu vaccination by pharmacists is “a second-best option” Health Minister Greg Hunt received his flu vaccination from …

94% of AJP readers support the rollout of a mandatory national real-time monitoring system After years of being kept on the backburner as a voluntary program, the Electronic Recording and …

Australia cannot be complacent about a potential infectious disease emergency, say public health experts While Australia is well placed to respond to such an emergency, many logistical challenges remain, say specialists …

What are likely to be the top 10 drug launches of 2017?  2016 was an “unusually slow year” for drug approvals, according to US industry website Fierce Pharma.  However, analysts …

Australian pharmacy is currently experiencing unprecedented market conditions, so how do you survive, asks Linda Miller? Most pharmacists recognise the golden goose is no longer laying golden eggs. But there …

What role can pharmacy play in sports health and physical activity promotion? Chris Brooker investigates In most community pharmacies it’s one of the categories that regularly turns over without being …

Happy Easter! We take a look back at the last week in community pharmacy As we head towards Easter, sector eyes have been looking towards next month’s Federal Budget: there’s …

Louis Roller takes a look at multiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a demyelinating disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged.  The cause of multiple sclerosis is unknown. It’s considered …

Scientists have discovered a link between UK’s answer to Vegemite and activity in the brain In a UK study, participants consuming a teaspoon of Marmite every day for a month …

Stakeholders from the Aged Care Guild have suggested emulating the Pharmacy Guild’s tactics in lobbying governments The Aged Care Guild has launched a new campaign, “Protect Aussie Aged Care,” which …

An Albany man who tried to rob a pharmacy has been sentenced to two years in jail The Perth Supreme Court heard that Wylie John Moore entered the Albany Amcal …

An Auspharm forum member writes: “After the big fine they have pulled the targeted pain relief range of Nurofen and now they are discontinuing from 30/4/17 Optrex Itchy and the …