Community pharmacists play a pivotal role in supporting patients with fungal infections through identifying the infection and providing antifungal treatments and support. By Leanne Waterson BSc (UNSW) Learning objectives After …

While focus has primarily been on children and the vociferous anti-vaccination lobby, a large proportion of adolescent and adult Australians still remain undervaccinated In an article published in the Medical Journal …

Never before has there been so much competition, price sensitivity or low levels of customer loyalty, says Linda Miller Now is a time of both danger and opportunity. For the …

Painkillers like ibuprofen can increase the risk of heart disease and should be restricted Michael Stokes, University of Adelaide and Peter Psaltis, South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute Medications …

Flu vaccination rolled out, pregnancy tests recalled… We take a look back at the week in pharmacy This week, there was good news for pharmacists who have been providing vaccination …

The Fullife Foundation recently built two facilities in Ethiopia which will help reduce maternal deaths “We have built two maternal waiting rooms (through World Vision) in Samre, Ethiopia that will …

An Israeli company is formulating the first “cannaceutical” aiming to help people with insomnia and other sleep disorders The product, called ican.sleep, is a “cannaceutical” (pharmaceutical-grade cannabis product) that is …

Three New South Wales community pharmacists have been appointed to casual vacancies on the Guild’s NSW Branch Committee. The new Branch Committee Members are: Catherine Bronger, Caroline Diamantis, and Adele …

An extensive study has found oral contraceptive use is associated with reduction in some cancers for up to 35 years The study of more than 46,000 women recruited by the …

The pharmacist at the centre of a deadly meningitis outbreak in the United States has been found not guilty of murder Barry J Cadden was the co-owner and head pharmacist …

Growing enrolments will help solve pharmacy workforce shortages, says a pharmacy professor James Cook University’s pharmacy enrolments have more than doubled this year – and graduates have no problem finding …

Karalyn Huxhagen looks at the role of pharmacists in mental health services Beyond Blue announced this week that Julia Gillard will be replacing Jeff Kennett at its head. Beyond Blue …