A man who stole methadone from a Tasmanian pharmacy was seen swigging from the bottle, then found passed out nearby, a court has heard The Hobart Mercury reports that Benjamin …

The big four banks consistently engage in practices that have caused significant harm to some small business customers, an inquiry has found The inquiry into small business loans by the …

The number of people deferring access to prescribed medication due to cost has remained steady, at 7.6% of the population The Productivity Commission’s Report on Government Services 2016 found that …

The TGA has announced the current ban on nicotine in e-cigarettes will remain in place An applicant had proposed that nicotine should be exempt from Schedule 7 at concentrations of …

NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and diclofenac remain a suitable choice for relief of acute pain for most people, says ASMI ASMI was responding to reporting of an Australian study at …

“Neither API, Sigma nor Symbion own pharmacies. They simply do not. Never have, though the press keep saying they do.” Read the full post (and multiple replies) and / or …

There is an urgent need to develop clinically effective and safe drug therapies to treat back pain, say Australian researchers A systematic review and meta-analysis conducted by The George Institute …

Pharmacists, not pharmacy assistants, need to intervene more in complementary medicine, writes Karalyn Huxhagen Self service of all complementary medicines in pharmacy comes with a plethora of issues. How many …

More cases of cancer are being diagnosed, but the death rate is dropping The latest cancer report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows that while cancer is …

Weekly-dose vitamin D products will be advertised from midway through the year following a decision that should enhance patient compliance Among the recommendations from the November meeting of the Advisory …

A Victorian pharmacist-cum-doctor has had his pharmacist registration cancelled and medical licence restricted due to ongoing criminal offences driven by a rampant drug addiction It was when Gyu Sung Lee, …

On average, people who work more than this are putting their health at risk – although there are differences between men and women, say Aussie researchers New research published in …