Pharmacy needs to get serious about pill checking and other harm minimisation measures, writes Liam Murphy I’m just going to get straight to the point: the pharmacy industry and its …

A new drug therapy for women with advanced ovarian cancer has been listed on the PBS as of today – which is also the first day of Ovarian Cancer Awareness …

Pharmacists could do more to educate consumers on the risks of medicines that impair alertness A series of detailed interviews with community pharmacists shows that many in the profession believe …

Two out of three women are willing to buy and take a sexuality-boosting medication, according to a population survey Swiss researchers have conducted a cross-sectional online survey to find out …

Does the Easter bunny really want to come out to play in January? Peter James Ryan asks in Inside FMCG Retail has been a calendar-based business for all of its …

The TGA has provided updates on new and ongoing medicine shortages relevant to pharmacy The shortage warnings include: * There is limited availability of the hyperthyroidism treatment Neo-Mercazole (carbimazole) 5 …

“Why aren’t community pharmacies contracting their valuable services with the care providers in the community? Why do we continue to provide our valuable social and medical services without charge?” Post …

The eleventh National Student Business Plan Competition is now underway – testing the flair and entrepreneurship of students preparing for a career in community pharmacy The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s …

AJP will be bringing you all the news, views and events from APP 2017 across a range of media  There’s now just over a week to go till the biggest …

Smokers who receive personalised information about their health risks may be more likely to quit, British research suggests Researchers from the University College London have conducted a randomised controlled trial …

Calling to mind the sci-fi tale of Dr Moreau and his monstrous experiments, US scientists have created the first ever human-pig embryos and hybrid “chimeras” Using stem cell technology, Californian …

The owner of Priceline Pharmacy, Soul Pattinson and Pharmacist Advice has flagged a record half-year profit Australian Pharmaceutical Industries (API) reported on Wednesday that it expects its half-year net profit …