“I am hoping to pick the brains of the geniuses in this group about a lady with a 9 month old son who accidentally took 2 Sudafed before realising it …

“We have had a problem that could be prevented in future. To communicate dispensing material securely online needs certificates that expire in five years. Mine expired without warning so I …

Stress in the pharmacy is reaching its peak in the face of overwhelming workloads for underwhelming payAfter receiving an abundance of thought-provoking comments from you, our AJP readers, about workplace pressure …

Dr Ben Basger looks at how pharmacists can protect seniors from adverse events caused by medicationsDid you know that one in four community-living older people are hospitalised for medication-related problems …

Experts believe that if healthcare practitioners had a clearer understanding of men’s differing health needs, healthcare promotions and services could be more effective, writes Leanne PhilpottYou might say men get …

Efficacy is estimated to be as high as 99% in men who have sex with men who take Truvada daily.Sharon Lewin, Consultant Physician, Department of Infectious Diseases, Alfred Hospital & Director, …

Dispensing changes mean the time is right for pharmacy to play a greater role in mental health, experts believe Pharmacists have opportunities to greatly increase their role in the care of …

In a broad survey of Australians, pharmacists scored higher than GPs and dentistsAccording to the Governance Institute Ethics Index released this month, about 42% of those surveyed rated pharmacists as “somewhat …

We look at the latest non-drug intervention updates provided by the RACGPGlue earGlue ear is the most common chronic condition of childhood, says the RACGP, with 80% of children affected at …

Guild welcomes Grattan Institute leader’s comments in favour of a broader role for pharmacists in AustraliaDoctors are seeing patients for conditions that allied health professionals such as pharmacists could manage, …

US report highlights the expensive new medications that may be heading our wayA lot of attention has recently been given to the economic impact on pharmacy’s stocking expensive new hepatitis …

One quarter of PBS scripts now under co-pay, report revealsMore than one quarter of all PBS/RPBS dispenses are now under co-pay prescriptions, a new PBS report reveals.Released on Monday 18 …