Our wrapup of pharmacy news from around the world Loveland, Colorado: A pharmacy’s dosage error may have caused the death of an eight-year-old boy, Denver7 reports. According to the station …

A former Boots branch manager in Glasgow has been suspended by Britain’s General Pharmaceutical Council over falsely registering patients for Scotland’s minor ailments service. Asif Alam blamed target pressures for …

Queensland GP Dr Justin Coleman has created a video to highlight the value of non-dispensing pharmacists in Australia In his video, Dr Coleman explains the useful skills and knowledge that non-dispensing pharmacists provide …

Case highlights the importance of providing CMI when a drug is dispensed for the first time, writes John Guy from PDL Providing consumer medication information (CMI) whenever a drug is …

Health stakeholders have welcomed today’s announcement by the Australian Greens that the party plans to implement a price rise of 20% on sugar sweetened drinks. The Greens predict this would …

Dermatology is becoming a key issue for pharmacists, particularly concerning the use of topical corticosteroids. Key to the issue is the use of the words, “Use sparingly”. Debbie Rigby recently …

Fourteen pharmacy student teams have progressed through to the quarter final round of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s annual National Student Business Plan Competition. The competition is an Australia-wide challenge …

Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia CEO Kristin Michaels, has congratulated the NSW Minister for Health, Jillian Skinner, for delivering a record $22 billion commitment to healthcare and hospitals in …

The Victorian Government is encouraging consumers to protect themselves from whooping cough and the flu, highlighting that they can now receive flu and whooping cough vaccinations from their local pharmacist …

“There was an awful lot of condemnation of the pharmacists as we apparently undermine alll of the good work that the dermatologists and GPs perform as we tell patients not …

Pharmacists are poorly equipped to dispense nutrition-based advice, a UK conference has heard. Delegates to the “Food. The Forgotten Medicine” conference, organised by the College of Medicine, were told that …

When is a patient not a patient? writes Mouhamad Zoghbi  When trying to maintain sustainable pharmacy profits, it’s clear that reacting to your competitors’ discounting tactics is very expensive. As …