Should there be MBS funding for professional pharmacist services? asks Manya Angley An estimated 2% to 3% of Australian hospital admissions are medication related, representing 230,000 medication related hospital admissions …

US shipping giant conspired with internet pharmacies to ship illegal sedatives and painkillers, allege prosecutors A trial began on Monday 13 June over drug trafficking charges against FedEx, according to …

Complementary Medicines Australia has slammed the Labor Party over its plans to cut the rebate to natural therapies if elected to Government next month. Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen announced a …

Australians are struggling with problem drinking, according to the latest international survey on drug use Between November 2015 and January 2016, the Global Drug Survey asked 4,524 Australians about their …

International stakeholders are focusing keenly on Australia’s experience with plain packaging for tobacco products… including the IRA, one international body claims. Jane McCredie writes in MJA InSight this week that …

Health Check: how much salt is OK to eat? Kacie Dickinson, Flinders University Australian guidelines recommend limiting salt intake to six grams a day or less. The World Health Organisation …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has congratulated Dr John D’Arcy O’Donnell on his Order of Australia award. Dr John D’Arcy has a long and productive association with the Pharmacy Guild …

SHPA CEO Kristin Michaels today called for joint Commonwealth and State action to reduce preventable hospital admissions resulting from poor management of medications. “Australia must take priority action to improve …

The 2016 Pharmacy Guild of Australia/GuildSuper Pharmacy Assistant of the Year Award has received more than 560 nominations—over 100 additional nominations than received in 2015. Pharmacy Guild of Australia Acting …

The World Health Organization and the International Pharmaceutical Federation have released new guidelines for health care professionals prescribing or supplying medicines for children when no authorised product exists. The guidelines …

How much revenue is pharmacy ‘leaving off the table’ asks Glenn Guilfoyle A recent story featured in The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Forefront highlighted the revenue “being left on the …

Two pharmacists awarded Queen’s Birthday honours for service to their local communities. Long-serving Benalla pharmacist Philip Messenger was awarded a Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the General …