“Has anyone had any experience of Anginine not dissolving/disintegrating under the tongue quickly enough? Our Medical Imaging department uses Anginine to dilate coronary arteries prior to a certain type of …

Pharmacists at National Pharmacies have settled their workplace agreement negotiations, with rates remaining ‘well above’ the award. Recently employees at the group became the first community pharmacists to take industrial …

Promotion of naturopathy by a leading pharmacy banner group could damage the profession, stakeholders claim Banner group Amcal appears to have removed a series of articles from its website which …

Debbie Rigby, consultant clinical pharmacist, debunks some of the common held myths in pharmacy As trusted healthcare professionals within the community, pharmacists should ensure they are up-to-date on the latest …

Our readers responded in droves to our recent poll on naturopathy. Here’s a selection of some of the best comments: It seems that the 23% who feel they should stock …

How to pick the good from the bad smartphone health apps Carol Maher, University of South Australia With an estimated 100,000 health and fitness apps available on the two leading …

Instead of helping to overcome chronic pain, morphine can more than double the duration of pain, as well as amplifying its severity, according to new international research involving the University …

A Pharmacy Guild complaint against an advertisement by an online buying group has been upheld by regulators. The TGAs Complaints Resolution Panel has found that international buying group Groupon was …

“Today they counted the Salvos collection tin we have for the expected donation whenever we certify a document: $288. A donation balances one’s disinclination to ask one’s best customers to …

The AJP’s latest poll clearly shows that our readers have their suspicions about the validity of naturopathic medicines, with a whopping 544 voters choosing the option, “No, there’s no evidence …

The latest in research news, curated by Debbie Rigby Benzodiazepines are Prescribed More Frequently to Patients Already at Risk for Benzodiazepine-Related Adverse Events in Primary Care A one-year longitudinal cohort …

Continued successful court rulings throughout the world strengthens Australia’s landmark decision to introduce plain packaging of cigarette products. On World No Tobacco Day today, the World Health Organization is calling …