Industry stakeholders have expressed disappointment with last night’s Four Corners program, Supplements and Safety, highlighting the difference between the US and Australian complementary medicines landscapes. Complementary Medicines Australia says it …

Antidepressants may not be as effective in treating depression as healthcare practitioners believe, according to new research. While they are the most commonly used medication in Australia, with use more …

When a colleague asks you to run a 44km marathon, it’s an offer that’s fairly easy to refuse. Unless you’re challenged in front of members of the Chemmart Board – …

“With 50 or so days to go to the next election, it may be a good time to demonstrate the counselling power of pharmacists. Most community pharmacists would have no …

Debbie Rigby presents the latest research relevant to pharmacists from around the world An In-Depth Analysis of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C Treated With Different Anti-Viral Regimens …

A surprise leader in the pharmacy voting stakes South Australian independent Senator Nick Xenophon and his new party are one of the preferred choices of Australian pharmacy voters, an AJP …

After a diagnosis of osteoarthritis, women tend to reduce doctor visits in favour of allied health professionals, a new analysis has found. UniSA School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences Senior …

Changes made to OTC codeine combination products in 2010 failed to make a dent in the growing misuse of the products, a new study has found. But the new codeine …

There is a “significant amount” of misinformation about the use of topical corticosteroids in paediatric eczema, Associate Professor Saxon Smith has told the The Australasian College of Dermatologists’ (ACD) Annual …

Novartis has welcomed the concurrent publication and presentation of findings from the FLAME study in the New England Journal of Medicine and at the 2016 American Thoracic Society International Conference …

Ordering dose administration aids will soon be easier than ever for Fred users, with the release of DoseAid’s exclusive new ordering software. Developed by PractiCare, a leading supplier of medication …

Around 30% of Generation Y are still actively suntanning, according to a recent study involving 1,500 Australians. Associate Professor Saxon Smith, a dermatologist at the Royal North Shore Hospital of …