A good pharmacy manager acts as a coach for his or her pharmacy team, writes former Queensland Firebird Karen Brown If you were to ask my team (actually, if you …

PDL renewals are now due Well done to members who have already renewed. If you have not yet renewed you still have time. Your PDL membership including Professional Liabilities Insurance …

A major health expo in Melbourne, to be attended by more than 400 Chinese pharmacy owners representing a $300 billion industry, is expected to have major ramifications for Australian pharmaceutical …

More than 240 pharmacists have attended the second annual Chemmart Masterclass, to build on the success they have experienced since the program’s launch last April. Held in Melbourne from April …

Pharmacy services provider HPS says it is further underlining its commitment to innovation in the sector, deploying ROWA automation at the larger sites across its Australian network. The technology is …

A world-first research centre exclusively focused on tackling the childhood obesity epidemic will launch this week at the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre. Globally renowned experts from seven universities …

With the rollout of OTC codeine recording app MedsASSIST, cold tablets containing codeine and pseudoephedrine may now need to be entered into at least two discreet databases – three if …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest research relevant to pharmacists from around the world Diabetes treatments and risk of amputation, blindness, severe kidney failure, hyperglycaemia, and hypoglycaemia Using …

Pharmacists need more resources on how to help patients whose cultural and religious practices may impact on chronic illness, a new study looking at patients with diabetes who fast during …

Greater uptake of life-saving cardiac rehabilitation programs for heart attack survivors could reduce costs to the national health system by $35.5 million and stop 2,100 heart attacks across the country …

New therapies have been PBS listed for the treatment of genotype 1 chronic hepatitis C virus. AbbVie Australia today announced that Viekira Pak (ombitasvir, paritaprevir, ritonavir tablets; dasabuvir tablets) and …

A cancer medicine that doubles progression free survival in people with indolent Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and is less toxic than previous chemotherapy regimens will be added to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme …