Latest PBS cuts just the beginning, Minister believes A “skyrocketing” number of medicines experiencing a reduction in their price in the April round of PBS cuts is only the beginning, …

NAPSA has kicked off its annual Charity Cup campaign, with all 18 branches of the pharmacy students’ association coming together to raise funds and awareness for this year’s chosen charity: …

The TGA is updating the names of several medicine ingredients to align with names used globally, it reports in today’s Medicines Safety Update. Some medicine ingredient names in Australia have …

Liam Mendiolea has been named the PSA MIMS QLD Intern of the Year Award winner, PSA said today. The Intern of the Year Award acknowledges achievements of exceptional pharmacist interns …

Chemmart members have rallied together to support the Western Australian communities devastated by January’s bushfire crisis, raising a total of $12,000. The bushfires in Waroona and Yarloop claimed two lives …

Consumers, taxpayers and the national health system will benefit from the significant savings being delivered by medicine suppliers since 1 April, say Medicines Australia, the Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association, …

AJP is celebrating a special birthday Australia’s oldest journal of record – the Australian Journal of Pharmacy – is turning 130 this year. The first edition of the then Australasian …

Women are not represented well enough at the leadership level in the pharmacy industry, say 70% of AJP readers. Following a lot of discussion at the recent APP2016 conference about …

The new AJP Discussion Forum has launched and can now be accessed here. Commenting on the launch, former AusPharm owner Mark Dunn said: “The new Forum format looks good and, …

Collaboration and communication with patients is key to helping legitimate pain patients, with real-time monitoring useful for catching misusers of codeine only. Most people who become dependent on over-the-counter codeine …

  The April AJP Support Pack is about to hit pharmacy counters… and this month features Glucerna® Triple Care Glucerna® Triple Care – a valuable part of a diabetes management …

Details lacking from primary care reform plan While most health stakeholders have given support to the Federal governments new primary care reform package, concerns have been raised about its lack …