GuildLink has announced the 2016 GuildCare Professional Services Pharmacy of the Year: McCarthy’s Pharmacy, Orange, NSW. McCarthy’s Pharmacy has been in Orange for more than 60 years, a regional city of …

A MJA Perspectives piece criticising integrative medicine has been welcomed by Friends of Science in Medicine, who say integrative medicine is “mixing science-based health professions with pseudoscience based practices”. The …

“Hub and spoke” dispensing is safer than the traditional pharmacy approach, England’s chief pharmaceutical officer says. The Pharmaceutical Journal reports that Keith Ridge, in giving evidence to the All-Party Pharmacy …

Middle-aged and older women with asthma are being urged to take action to manage their condition as new data from the ABS highlights that women aged over 55 continue to …

Professor Lisa Nissen, Debbie Rigby and Chris Campbell’s fast facts on the new Hepatitis C drugs… In Australia it is estimated that more than 230,000 patients were living with chronic …

A New York City pharmacist has stood her ground after being verbally attacked by a customer for wearing hijab. Pix11 reporter Narmeen Choudhury posted on Facebook that family friend and …

Marking World Endometriosis Day last Sunday, Victorians are getting $100,000 for new resources. Minister for Health, Jill Hennessy, announced the Victorian government is providing $100,000 to Jean Hailes for Women’s Health …

What twitter was saying about APP2016 The social media wires were running hot at APP 2016 – the biggest event of the pharmacy year. Here’s a selection of some of …

A MESSAGE LOST IN SPACE In December last year, PDL sent out a practice alert to its members warning them of one of the pitfalls in dispensing that was identified …

You must be compared to other retailers, review chief tells pharmacists The federal government’s ongoing review of pharmacy remuneration and regulation must consider community pharmacies as retail outlets, its chairman …

Half of workers report that they are sitting often or for all of the time they are at work, prompting Safe Work Australia to urge Australians to reduce their time …

Pharmacy is set to see more delistings and stock shortages this year as a result of simplified price disclosure, GBMA president Belinda Wood warned over the weekend. Presenting at APP2016, …