Can a pharmacist who is afraid of needles be fired for not providing immunisations? Should a pharmacist-in-charge be liable for theft by a pharmacy technician? The legal risks potentially faced by …

Today in our news roundup: warnings over the timing of TGA staff cuts, and more revelations about big pharma’s business practices No time for cutbacks Revelations that the TGA plans …

Pharmacists and women alike need more education about the supply of Emergency Contraception, also known as the Morning After Pill, in order to improve access to the medicine. So says …

On International Women’s Day, we spoke to leading women in Australian pharmacy to find out what they see as the challenges, opportunities and triumphs… Debbie Rigby: While there has been …

Thousands of Australian women are living with an undetected silent killer that is putting them at higher risk of stroke compared with men, says the Stroke Foundation. Despite the fact …

FARE has called for changes to Australia’s alcohol tax regime, a call which has received support from health stakeholders. The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education says the changes would …

Hannah Doody has been named as the PSA MIMS Tasmanian Intern of the Year Award winner. The prestigious Intern of the Year Award acknowledges the achievements of exceptional pharmacist interns …

Pharmacy may have opportunities to help harm minimisation efforts in the future as well as playing a key role in supply of medicinal cannabis, says a drugs expert who presented …

GPs are prescribing opioids “in the dark,” says a prominent GP and medical advisor, MJA Insight reports, without a real-time prescription drug monitoring protocol. Dr Walid Jammal, Senior Medical Advisor, …

Consumers Health Forum has urged the Government to reform primary health care following the release of the Chronic failure in primary care Grattan report today. “Our greatest health challenge in …

Ineffective management of heart disease, asthma, diabetes and other chronic illness costs the Australian health system more than $320 million each year in avoidable hospital admissions, says a new Grattan …

Glaucoma stakeholders are urging Australians to have their eyes checked this World Glaucoma Week – and pharmacists can be key in a referral role among others, experts say. Around 50% …