Pharmacists are invited to participate in the PSA’s Ignite Leadership Program for 2016. The Ignite Leadership Program has been developed for early career pharmacists, and aims to nurture and assist high performing pharmacists …

Pharmacy stalwarts back the world’s most gruelling surfboat marathon. Pharmacy business expert and AJP columnist Bruce Annabel, and Gary Cairns, who established Capital Chemist with Roger Tall in the 1980s, …

There is a gap between knowledge and action when it comes to healthy eating, a new report finds. People are still not eating enough vegetables even though they know they are …

Blueberries, citrus fruits and red wine may reduce erectile dysfunction (ED), according to a new collaborative study. The new data reveals certain flavonoids called anthocyanins (found in blueberries, cherries, blackberries, …

Almost three quarters of asthmatics have other breathing/lung conditions, new research reveals. Roy Morgan Research found that between October 2014 and September 2015, more than half (51%) of adults with asthma …

Priceline Pharmacy ambassador Nick Kygios playing in Kooyong Classic Tennis tournament again makes a match-winning pledge to support the group’s charities. For the second year, ambassador Nick Kyrgios has agreed to donate $50 to …

The deadline for this year’s MIMS Guild Intern of the Year 2015 Award is fast approaching as entries close this Friday 15 January. The Intern of the Year award provides …

Primary care needs after-hours in the NT will be the focus of two round table events for pharmacists, pharmacy managers, GPs and GP practice managers. Hosted by the Northern Territory PHN’s After …

Lifeline Australia received more than 1m calls for help last year, a record in its 52 year history. The organisation received more than 70,000 calls a month since September last …

Health experts are warning that store-bought smoothies, frappes may contain a more kilojoules than a McDonald’s Big Mac and are extremely high in sugar. A ‘LiveLighter’ investigation analysed the kilojoules, sugar and fat …

It is time the government ‘fessed up’ that Panadol Osteo has been de-listed from the PBS by mistake, says the Guild today. It says that in April last year PBAC set very clear criteria …

It is the first time Health Minister Sussan Ley has referred a company to the ACCC due to the “unique” circumstances surrounding the price rise for Panadol Osteo, a spokesman for …