The deferral of a decision on codeine scheduling will give the Guild time to address the problem of codeine dependence, national president George Tambassis said in his address to the …

The Pharmacy Guild has announced the five finalist community pharmacies for this year’s Guild Pharmacy of the Year Award. The five finalists (in alphabetical order) are: Friendlies High Wycombe Perth …

The ALP’s plan to increase the tobacco excise will help reduce the number of smokers in Australia, saving many from avoidable illness and death caused by cardiovascular disease and lung …

Opposition leader Bill Shorten used last night’s address to the Guild Annual Dinner at Parliament House to highlight Labor’s plan to increase the tobacco excise. Yesterday Mr Shorten, Shadow Treasurer …

Pharmacists are underutilised in preventive health and their voices are too often missing from discussion of the health care system in Australia, Greens leader Senator Richard di Natale told the …

The role of pharmacists must continue to evolve as Australia’s healthcare system undergoes modernising changes, Health Minister Sussan Ley told the Guild dinner at Parliament House in Canberra last night. …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia says it will work constructively with the Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation Review Panel on the basis that they will take an objective and evidence-based approach …

Increasing older patients’ agency in their own health care needs to be balanced against the issues this raises, writes Ben Basger Older patients often relate their treatment experiences and choices. …

The Pharmacy Guild has again slammed the findings of the Competition Policy Review following the Government’s release of its response to the review. The Government will partly or wholly adopt …

A major survey of Australian teenagers shows that smoking rates are continuing to decline, in an encouraging trend welcomed by Quit Victoria and the Heart Foundation. The 2014 survey, led …

Xavier Agostino from the MyChemist Northland is the 2015 MIMS PSA Victorian Intern of the Year. He was presented with is award by Dinah Graham from MIMS at the Victorian …

Australian cardiovascular specialists are today warning against apathy toward CVD research in light of an apparent ‘disease fatigue’ that has robbed the sector of funding momentum. Speaking on behalf of …