Clinical tips on congenital heart disease (types, treatment and management) by Associate Professor Louis Roller, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, Monash University.

Discount Drug Stores is running its Sun and UV Awareness Clinics from January to March 2015, to highlight the damage customers are doing to their skin. DESPITE AUSTRALIA HAVING the highest rate of …

Pharmacy competency standards are being reviewed through the Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee, a profession-wide collaborative forum of 11 pharmacy organisations, which is seeking feedback on the review. Late last year …

Graduate oversupply, discount model pharmacies and low wages are the top concerns for current undergraduate pharmacy students, a NAPSA student survey has found. NAPSA surveyed 833 pharmacy students from 19 …

Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is developing new guidelines to assist medical students learn prescribing skills in a push to reduce errors in medical prescriptions.

The Australian Self Medication Industry (ASMI) has revealed its 2015 Committee of Management which will drive “an ambitious advocacy program in 2015”.

Pharmacy Guild says community pharmacists can help deliver better health outcomes and a more sustainable Medicare.

Anyone who’s experienced reflux knows only too well how uncomfortable that burning feeling can be. But when it occurs frequently it can lead to inflammation and potential ulceration of the …

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) can increase the chances of a smoker quitting by 60% in comparison to unassisted quit smoking attempts, writes Leanne Philpott. Key Points Despite a decrease in …

Victorian Labor has promised to support 20 pharmacies to become 24/7 Super Pharmacies if it is elected on the weekend.An Andrews Labor Government would fund pharmacies to stay open 24 …

The Abbott Government’s shelving of its controversial $7 GP copayment is a win for health policy, AMA president Brian Owler told the ABC’s Virginia Trioli today.“I think it’s a win …

The global depression crisis is being examined at a gathering of international policymakers, health and business leaders and academics in London.Australian mental health leaders Pat McGorry and Jack Heath have …