Medicines Australia and medicines industry representatives have appeared before the Senate Inquiry into the availability of new, innovative and specialist cancer drugs in Australia, calling for improvements to create an …

After extensive communication with members and the wider pharmacy industry, and in close consultation with key industry stakeholders, IT specialists and education practitioners, the Australian College of Pharmacy has reinvented …

ASMI has urged the Federal Government to fine-tune the regulatory system for complementary medicines, calling for better rather than less regulation of complementary medicines. Dr Deon Schoombie, ASMI Executive Director, …

The Federal Government has announced it will end the one remaining religious exemption on children’s vaccinations for access to family payments. Parents will no longer be able to continue to …

Industry stakeholders have welcomed the release of the Report of the National Review of Mental Health Programmes and Services by Minister Ley, which acknowledges the role for pharmacists in the mental healthcare team. …

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system in which the myelin sheaths protecting nerve fibres becomes damaged and scarred. The name multiple sclerosis refers to scars …

A call by doctor groups to “take a stand” against pharmacist vaccination is puzzling, says Tim Logan, Queensland Branch President of the Pharmacy Guild and leader of the Queensland Pharmacist …

A group of primary care organisations have banded together to discourage pharmacy vaccination. The group, comprising the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP), the Australian Medical Association (AMA), the …

The National Asthma Council Australia has released the updated Australian Asthma Handbook (version 1.1), the national guidelines for asthma management in primary care. The Handbook is published as a unique …

US pharmacists are performing more patient care activities in a variety of healthcare settings, and spending less time in the traditional dispensing role, results released from the Pharmacy Workforce Center’s …

The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee has spoken out against a perception that delays in access to the listing of cancer (and other) medicines are due to PBAC processes. PBAC informed …

Professor Ian Harper has exposed a “glaring weakness” in his prescription for a de-regulated pharmacy market – consumers may have to pay more, not less, for their medicines under his …