Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news A narrative review of the safety concerns of deprescribing in older adults and strategies to mitigate potential harms This …

Researchers have found public perception bias may lead to more frequent reporting of adverse events for generics A US study has explored whether adverse event reporting patterns are similar between …

A clash between pharmacists’ ethical responsibilities and their business role has been highlighted by a review of complementary medicines literature Researchers from the University of Queensland reviewed the academic literature …

The US Food and Drug Administration has announced measures to limit the use of opioid-containing cough and cold preparations by children The FDA says the safety labelling changes will affect …

Pharmacy groups are leveraging print to successfully build their brand By Kellie Northwood, Australasian Catalogue Association It’s no secret that Australians love catalogues… We all enjoy flicking through the pages …

NPS MedicineWise has highlighted the five most common questions about the codeine upschedule – and released resources for non-English speaking patients Ahead of the impending upschedule to prescription only of …

GSK Consumer Healthcare has thrown its support behind the Pharmacy Click and Collect platform This year, the company will partner with the Pharmacy Guild of Australia to help deliver a …

Fred IT Group and Australian Medicines Handbook announce a new partnership to improve access to medicines information The pharmacy IT software provider has partnered with the Australian Medicines Handbook (AMH) to …

Mixed findings for benefits of tamper-resistant oxycodone The introduction of tamper-resistant oxycodone formulations in Australia in early 2014 has led to little change in the levels of population-level opioid use …

Doctors are calling for a national, overarching mental health plan, and proper investment into both prevention and treatment of mental illnesses Almost one in two Australian adults will experience a …

At least two-thirds of those who try cigarettes just once will go on to become daily smokers, new research finds Researchers said that data obtained from the UK, US, Australia …

There are 10 key things pharmacies should be doing if they are to give themselves a chance for success in the post-February 1 world, say Bruce Annabel and Mal Scrymgeour  …