FIP has released a new report outlining the value of involving pharmacists in reducing harm from drugs of abuse The new International Pharmaceutical Federation report describes harm reduction services such as …

Viagra will be available without prescription in the UK in a bid to curtail the black market for the drug The UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said yesterday …

The completion of a pharmacy degree is no small feat, and graduates should be ready to hit the ground running in the next milestone, writes Tim Roberts As pharmacy schools …

The TGA has updated its safety advice for ibrutinib after reviewing latest research on the medicine’s risks and effects Ibrutinib, marketed in Australia as Imbruvica, is used for the treatment …

The Guild is lobbying the government about the “extremely worrying” decision for AstraZeneca and Amgen to go direct with some of their medicines Amgen has recently announced it will be …

A nasal spray alone may be more beneficial than adding an antihistamine tablet when treating hayfever, US experts suggest The Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters, which comprises representatives of …

How well-off you are can significantly affect your chances of suffering a non-communicable disease or dying early Australia’s Health Tracker by Socio-Economic Status, a new report by the Australian Health …

Support for pharmacist ownership remains very strong, our latest poll reveals The issue of pharmacy ownership has again surfaced with the news that Ramsay Health Care is to go ahead …

Greg Hunt has reiterated his support for community pharmacy while on the campaign trail for John Alexander The Liberal candidate for Bennelong, who is contesting a by-election which could determine …

The program offers face-to-face workshops, clinical content, ongoing exam support and more Enrolments in the Pharmacy Guild of Australia 2018 National Intern Training Program (ITP) are now open. The Guild …

Recent codeine survey reveals more consumers approve than disapprove of the upschedule – a shift from earlier surveys An online survey of 1,028 randomly selected Australian adults conducted from 10th to …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news  Pharmacists’ confidence when providing pharmaceutical care on anticoagulants An international survey among pharmacists in 18 countries, including Australia, has …