A WA pharmacist has lost his appeal against a $60,000 fine and $36,500 court costs for importing ice pipes Hoang Nam Nguyen sought leave to appeal on two grounds: that …

Complementary medicine use doesn’t cause vaccine refusal – but it is correlated, researchers have found A small new study led by a researcher from The University of Western Australia has analysed …

Chemist Warehouse, Sanofi and 3M were among the winners of a recent major consumer award Australian consumers have selected their top products and brands in the Product of the Year …

The TGA has warned Aussie men not to purchase a supplement which purports to enhance sexual performance – but is used in dogs The regulator has issued a statement declaring that …

Victorian hospital pharmacist and PSA Clayton area coordinator Rodney Whyte MPS has been awarded the 2017 Victorian Pharmacist Medal Mr Whyte – from Monash Health – was rewarded for his …

The Apo-Perindopril Arginine recall has been widened for a second time, affecting four more batches Apotex, in consultation with the TGA, is recalling four more batches of the blood pressure …

The Pharmacy Guild has come under fire for querying the employer role in paid parental leave As part of its submission to the Senate Inquiry on red tape, the Pharmacy …

Fred IT Group has been selected to build Victoria’s prescription monitoring system, SafeScript, for its launch next year Following the passage of legislation through Parliament last month, SafeScript is expected …

PDL warns of an increase in Australians using technology to access prescription drugs Reports have increased regarding consumers who are posing as prescribers and using email, fax or mobile phone …

Chemist Warehouse, holding 30% of community pharmacy market, and Corum representing 1,000 pharmacies, have announced their upcoming connection to My Health Record This means every community pharmacy software vendor has …

An industry analyst has called for the scrapping of Community Pharmacy Agreements and the CSO in a bid to rid the sector of “red tape” Rhodes Management, led by business …

Rumours about Chemist Warehouse, pharmacists winning on the national scene and more! This week, the Australian Financial Review reported rumours that Chemist Warehouse was spending increasing face-to-face time meeting with …