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60-day dispensing

Demand for medications available on 60-day prescriptions is yet to rise, wholesaler reports  Concerns that the government’s double dispensing policy will fuel a surge in demand for impacted medications are …

Pharmacists urged to say “no” to Labor MPs’ requests to use images of their pharmacies or staff to promote World Pharmacists Day  Representatives of the Community and Pharmacy Support Group …

Independent pharmacy job losses set to rise, Coalition Senator says, as Labor accuses the previous government of ‘bending over’ to Guild pressure The federal opposition continued to wage war on …

Pharmacists’ pay, questions over prescribers’ understanding of the requirements for patients to be eligible for 60-day dispensing, and pharmacists rise up ethics ranks  Salaries are on the rise for community …

Fewer than one-in-10 prescriptions for molecules eligible for double dispensing are being written for 60 days’ supply  Data from more than 4000 community pharmacies across Australia shows that over the …

Community pharmacies cannot afford to sit back to “wait and see” how 60-day dispensing impacts their business, a pharmacy group’s boss warns  Pharmacies need to take proactive steps to mitigate …

Government urged to “rethink” and “reverse” its double dispensing policy  A petition, signed by 28 individuals, is calling for the federal government to renegotiate its 60-day dispensing policy “before millions …

Government’s handling of 60-day dispensing rollout dubbed an “absolute shambles” by Coalition MP  Australian patients’ safety is being put at risk through the government’s implementation of its double dispensing policy, opposition …

Community pharmacy’s resilience in the face of adversity gives banks confidence the sector can weather the 60-day dispensing storm, expert says  Australia’s lenders are continuing to look favourably on the …

Concern raised over the backgrounds of politicians supporting pharmacy in the fight against 60-day dispensing  Pharmacists are being used by “right-wing” politicians to secure broader appeal, a member of the …

Pharmacy advocacy group pledges to continue fight against 60-day dispensing until satisfactory 8CPA is signed  Members of the Community and Pharmacy Support Group (CAPS) are calling on Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, …

Pharmacy staff are being urged to wear T-shirts adorned with anti-60-day dispensing slogans on Fridays to highlight the challenges facing the sector  Leaders of the Community and Pharmacy Support Group …