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Carlene McMaugh takes a look at the issue of off-label S3s in pregnancy and breastfeeding Pregnancy and breastfeeding are times when people have a lot of questions about their health …

Motherhood is a minefield of conflicting advice. As such, pharmacists play a key support role, particularly when it comes to infant feeding The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends mothers worldwide …

Researchers examined whether providing a low FODMAP diet to breastfeeding mothers could help reduce colic in infants… and the results suggest it could While avoiding “windy” foods is common among …

Supporting breastfeeding is important, but many parents need advice on alternatives, write Dr Esther Lau and Professor Lisa Nissen As a profession, pharmacists encourage and support breastfeeding. However, for whatever …

Health stakeholders have criticised “bizarre” attempts by US officials to block a World Health Assembly resolution encouraging breastfeeding According to an article published in the New York Times, the United …

The TGA has warned against using codeine in children under 12 In its latest Medicines Safety Update, the TGA has advised that the recommendations of its safety review of codeine …

Should women’s reproductive health be a core competency for all pharmacists? Quality Use of Medicines is vital to supporting women before conception and beyond delivery, says a pharmacist researcher in …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest research news Is pyridoxine effective and safe for post-partum lactation inhibition? A systematic review of 7 randomised controlled trials has shown inconsistent …

Pharmacists can play a huge role in advising new parents on feeding their baby, write Jarrod McMaugh, Adam Greco and Vanessa Kee New parenthood is a hectic time in a …

How the pharmacy setting can help, not hinder, breastfeeding mums Researchers from WellSouth Primary Health Network in New Zealand have been considering how pharmacies promote and support breastfeeding. “Pharmacists are …

More support could help women keep breastfeeding for longer, according to a large international review Researchers looked at 73 studies with a total of almost 75,000 women and found that …

Discussing medicines and Baby mustn’t stop when a baby is born, writes Karalyn Huxhagen Customers will ask about medications during their pregnancy. There are many myths and it is the …