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Healthcare consumers see pharmacists as part of the solution to improving access to care, former CHF chief executive says  Patients are “universally concerned” that Australia’s health system is strained but …

The CHF has said it ‘understands’ why the TGA is proposing a ban on pharmacists compounding Ozempic, but more must be done to boost supply Consumers Health Forum of Australia …

Pharmacists have the skills and knowledge to prescribe antibiotics responsibly, Dr Fei Sim, the president of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) believes  Speaking during a webinar hosted by the …

Patients who are stable on long-term medications feel “guilty” for taking up GP appointments to get prescriptions renewed, a survey reveals  Healthcare consumers support pharmacists being authorised to provide repeat …

Securing government funding for pharmacist prescribing will be vital to ensuring the viability and accessibility of services, stakeholders believe  Subsidising pharmacists prescribing services through Medicare could deliver saving for the …

One in five consumers report finding medicines information given by a pharmacist, doctor or nurse “hard to follow” or “confusing” Consumers need to be supported to feel more in control …

Consumer group proposes a five question program for patients to ask to improve QUM, supports embedding pharmacists with GPs and aged care The Consumers Health Forum says it is “working …

A consumer group is complaining that the general public has not had adequate input into the Seventh Community Pharmacy Agreement The Consumers Health Forum says that it is “disappointed” that …

The Consumers Health Forum has called on the Federal Government to implement 60-day dispensing, as well as reform the PBS safety net “The Seventh Community Pharmacy is due to come …

Leading pharmacy groups are set to join in talks to formulate a joint safety policy, say Chris Freeman and Leanne Wells Next week will see the convening of a Strategic …

60-day dispensing will in some cases more than halve pharmacy remuneration and “incapacitate” rural pharmacies, says rural pharmacy group Concern is growing among rural pharmacists about the potential impacts of …

Sign-off on 60 day dispensing, consumer group tells the government as signs build that agreement is set to go overtime  The federal government should implement an expert recommendation to ease …