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double dispensing

New TGA data shows four of the 325 medicines slated for 60-day dispensing are in short supply  Pharmacists’ claims that double dispensing will exacerbate medicines shortages are not accurate, Professor …

Funding for community pharmacy services needs to be “fair”, in light of the government’s plan to roll out double dispensing, Dr Monique Ryan, believes  Australia needs to value the work …

Department of Health officials are engaging with pharmacy groups including Chemist Warehouse and wholesalers on 60-day dispensing, but not the Pharmacy Guild of Australia  Talks between the Guild and the …

Government ministers are moving to allay Labor backbenchers’ fears about the unintended consequences of 60-day dispensing  Department of Health officials have fronted a Labor caucus briefing to address concerns government …

Community pharmacies will bear the cost of the government’s 60-day dispensing policy, Shadow Health Minister, Senator Anne Ruston, claims  Labor should not be taking credit for delivering cost-of-living relief through …

Plans to boost access to affordable medicines will have the opposite effect Coalition Chief Whip warns  Labor’s double dispensing policy will leave patients with limited access to pharmacy services and …

Labor’s double dispensing policy may secure positive headlines, but independent MP, Kylea Tink, warns it will not be a win for everyone  Teal, Tink, is calling on the government to …

Double dispensing will leave many pharmacies shortchanged despite the government’s plans to reinvest savings in the sector  Labor’s 60-day dispensing policy makes sense on paper, but will put community pharmacies …

Conversations about how 60-day dispensing will impact local doctors suggest medical bodies did not consult their members before pushing the policy, a Guild leader says  Questions are being raised about …

Double dispensing decision leaves doctor “flabbergasted”  Labor’s plan to introduce 60-day dispensing will have significant unintended consequences, a former Assistant Health Minister warns.  Speaking in the House of Representatives on …

Community pharmacists are being urged to “keep the pressure on the government” to limit the adverse impacts of 60-day dispensing  Government officials need to restart negotiations with community pharmacy leaders …

Access to cheaper medicines can be secured without the potential adverse effects of double dispensing if the government comes back to the table, according to the Pharmacy Guild of Australia  …