Posts in tag

drugs of addiction

Why do pharmacists and doctors divert or supply drugs for non-medical use? Australian researchers find out A small proportion of health practitioners contribute to the growing problem of pharmaceutical diversion …

The Chief Pharmacist of Tasmania says doctors are failing to recognise the risks of psychoactive drugs, and calls for pharmacists to be better utilised The death of a 44-year-old Tasmanian …

A GP has been suspended for continually overprescribing addictive drugs, despite concerned colleagues repeatedly telling him to stop A Victorian general practitioner has been reprimanded and temporarily suspended following serious …

How many people fall into addiction after getting a script from their doctor, and what role does the ED play? University of Sydney pharmacist researcher Dr Jonathan Penm recently conducted …

The Victorian government has passed legislation to allow a mandatory prescription monitoring system to roll out by 2018 The Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Real-time Prescription Monitoring) Bill 2017, …

A Victorian medical practitioner, who was suspended in the US after several pharmacists raised concerns, has had suspension of his Australian licence confirmed Dr Mahmood Ahmad, a doctor and anaesthetist …

His overprescribing patterns affected 13 patients, many of whom were drug dependent or recovering from dependency According to a decision released this week, Dr Angelo Arreza was found to have …

The Federal Government will be working with the states to implement a system by end 2018, Health Minister tells PSA17 Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced the government will be …

Health Minister Greg Hunt is expected to announce additional funding to get a mandatory national real-time recording system up and running by the end of the year According to media …

“Does anybody know if there are any documents that describe appropriate environmentally friendly methods for destroying drugs of addiction. “An example I have become aware of was where a pharmacist simply …

A NSW GP has been struck off for overprescribing drugs of addiction to patients, including known doctor shoppers Dr David George West, 75, has had his registration cancelled following proceedings …

A NSW doctor has had her registration cancelled for repeatedly prescribing large amounts of opioids and benzodiazepines to drug-seeking patients The GP, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has …