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embedded pharmacists

Community pharmacists can help people with terminal illness manage medicines, pain and other symptoms, but they are currently underutilised, say researchers Community based pharmacists can help support people who have …

Funding to embed pharmacists into Aboriginal health services could help close the healthcare gap for Indigenous Australians  System-wide reform, including embedding pharmacists into primary care teams delivering healthcare to Aboriginal …

The health department has provided an update on the aged care on-site pharmacist measure – still without a starting date The update was published on Monday, 18 March 2024, and …

Pharmacists already embedded in residential aged care facilities are improving patient care, they feel it may not be a role for new graduates, study reveals  Embedding pharmacists within interprofessional aged …

Further engagement about onsite pharmacists in residential aged care is on the way, as accreditation standards are delayed The Australian Pharmacy Council has said in a statement that the Department …

What’s life like as an onsite aged care pharmacist? This guest author has the answer… There was movement at the station, for the word had passed around… No, I’m not …

Commencement of the residential onsite pharmacist initiative has been delayed again David Laffan, Assistant Secretary, Pharmacy Branch, Department of Health and Aged Care, told the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s inaugural …

The “brain drain” from community pharmacy began long before the concept of embedding pharmacists in aged care, says one pharmacy aged care leader, who also criticised funding issues “With under …

Numbers of medication reviews, DAAs and staged supply services provided by pharmacists under the 7CPA have risen since the last agreement, new data reveals New data revealing the use of …

Who is best prepared to step into the new role as an on-site pharmacist in residential aged care facilities? These researchers want to know more… have your say! Dr Amy …

On-site pharmacists will replace 7CPA-funded program services to residential aged care homes, says Department of Health—but not everyone is happy with the decision The upcoming rollout of embedded aged care …

A randomised controlled study looking at the impact of on-site pharmacists on quality use of medications in aged care is currently underway Following on from a pilot study which finished …